Well, I finally got around to editing the footage that I shot with my phone last year. Sorry that the footage isn’t great. Someone should buy me a new phone.
Reunion Info 2013
Heit’s Point Reunion 2013

We will play the “who’s who” game at a later date. For now, why don’t you write about:
- Something that you enjoyed about the weekend.
- Something unexpected that happened.
- Something you learned about someone else that you didn’t know (or maybe remember).
- Something funny (bonus points if it involved Pete –double points for both Pete & Uncle Ralph).
- Anything else you want to say.
Family Reunion Friday
If you’re not at the family reunion, why don’t you let us know where you are this weekend and what you are up to.
The thank you list, feel free to add any that I forgot…
- People who brought books for musical chairs.
- Judy for organizing the talent show.
- Jim and everyone else who provided cooking equipment.
- All of the cooks, especially the next generation of cooks.
- Danny & Pete for getting the meat for meals.
- Late night crew for cleaning up the pavilion.
- Whoever had the idea to write names on the bottom of the cups (write your own name next year).
- Christina for for organizing our lodging and taking pictures.
- Uncle Mahlon, Debbie and Becky for keeping the pavilion running.
- Cigar smokers for keeping mosquitoes away.
- Debbie & Becky for organizing lunch by the lake and everyone who brought stuff for it.
- Doug, Jerry and Scott for bringing boats and jet-skies.
- Lloyd Jr. & everyone who puts things on the website.
- Derrick and Micky for organizing the ball game.
- God for our family.
Message from Whitni
[Whitni Sommerer just sent this via facebook. I’m going to repost it here for the people who are not regular Facebook users.]
Hey family!
I hope you are all doing well! So our big weekend is coming up, and I can’t wait to see everyone. Us big kids are in charge of preparing breakfast Saturday morning, so I am inviting you to join in on the fun we will have! We will start preparing around 6 AM, and we will need all the help we can get. Everything as far as food is being taken care of, all we need is you and your help! If you are friends with any family members that I am not friends with, please relay the message to them too! From past reunions, this is one of many of my favorite memories, so I am looking forward to seeing you all there
Reunion 2013 (General Information)
Below is general information for the 2013 Sommerer Family Reunion. If you are looking for the rest of the information on the reunion, You can click here.
We hope that you will be able to join us for all or part of the weekend: Friday, June 28 through Sunday, June 30.
If you have questions after reading this post, please feel free to call Christina at 636.485.1369, email her at cmrowland22772@yahoo.com or post your question below.
1.) Heit’s Point is hosting camps during the weeks before our reunion. This means that there will not be lodging available on Thursday evening, June 27 (campsites are still available, but the pavilion will be in use). It also means that rooms will not be available for check-in until Friday afternoon around 3:00 pm. There is also a mini camp scheduled for the following week from June 30 – July 3rd so we will need everyone’s help to make sure the pavillion is clean and ready for the campers. Thanks for your cooperation and understanding.
2.) All reservations should be made through Christina unless you want to stay in a camp facility that is not part of our reserved Sommerer lodging below (i.e. cabins).
3.) All reservations should be made as soon as possible and no later than Thursday, May 30. On the Lodging Information post is a registration form to assist you in this process. You will need to have: arrival date, desired lodging location, number of nights staying, number of people staying, and number of people to include for group meals.
4.) Payment is not necessary until the reunion weekend, at which time you will receive a “bill” from Christina. Please wait until you have received this bill before paying Heit’s Point. They will not have the necessary information to take your payment without this “bill”.
5.) As in years past, there is a 6% “replacement fee” added to the cost of each reservation. We will figure this into your bills once you have made reservations. (This is a fee to replace items as they wear out on the premises)
6.) There will be a free-will offering to cover the costs of group breakfasts on Saturday & Sunday, the meat on Saturday evening, and the Ascension House/group use fees of $150. (Ascension house = pavilion)
7.) Group Picture: Plan to smile for the camera on Saturday evening following our meal and before the Sommerer Summer Classic (that’s our annual softball game.) Remember to bring your smile and your glove!
8.) This letter is not being sent out via postal service. If you have someone in your family group who needs this information and does not have access to email or the Sommerer Family website, please contact them and assist them with this process OR contact Christina so that we can give them a call. Thanks.
9.) There will probably be a sign up sheet for another talent show on Saturday night, so think about a cool talent you can share so we don’t have to listen to Jim rant for 10 minutes again!
Feel free to post any question or comments below. Then check out the meal information, lodging information and frequently asked questions.
Reunion 2013 (Frequently Asked Questions)
Where is the rest of the information about the reunion?
***Below are frequently asked questions (and a few answers) for the 2013 Sommerer Family Reunion. If you are looking for the rest of the information on the reunion, You can click here.
What happened to Saturday Breakfast?
*** It was decided at the meeting after church last year that we would be having breakfast at the pavilion on Saturday morning. The young adults in the family will be organizing this meal but they will need some help preparing it on Saturday morning, so everyone is encouraged to be up at the pavilion at 7am Saturday morning to have fun cooking together!
What should I wear for the family picture?
***OK, the family picture last year turned out pretty cool! We will be using the same colored t-shirts again this year, so dust off your shirts!
*Aunt Elizabeth’s Family – Purple
*Aunt Lillian (Sis)’s Family – MU Gold
*Uncle Bud’s Family – White
*Uncle Felix’s Family – Black
*Aunt Margie’s Family – Orange
*Uncle Vernon’s Family – Pink
*Aunt Beatrice’s Family – Lavender
*Uncle Mahlon’s Family – Teal
*Aunt Cleo’s Family – Periwinkle Blue
*Aunt Theresa (Lolly)’s Family – Yellow
*Aunt Naomi’s Family – Light Blue – Cruise Shirts
*Uncle Lloyd’s Family – Red Hawaiian Shirts
Did you get my reservation information?
***Check the lodging page first. Your name should be after the room you want if it was reserved for you. If you do not see your name on a room within 24 hours, I probably did not get it and you should contact me again at either 636.485.1369 or cmrowland22772@yahoo.com or leave a comment on the lodging page.
Can I book a room Thursday night?
***There is a regular camp the week before our reunion which does not end until Friday mid/morning or noon. Therefore, none of the rooms in the Spitz Center or the Bunk Houses will be available until that afternoon. If you are tenting or bringing an RV or Camper, you can make reservations for Thursday evening, but be aware that the regular camp uses the pavilion, so that will also not be available until Friday afternoon.
What time can I check in on Friday?
***You can show up any time on Friday, but you can’t check into your room until around 3:00 pm
What time do I need to check out on Sunday?
***Check out on Sunday is at 11 am? Be sure to get your bill from Christina before you check out.
What should I do with all the pictures I took at the family reunion?
***Upload your pictures to www.flickr.com and “tag” them with “sommererfamilywebsite” to have them pull into the family website home page. Or you can email them to my brother and he may post them on the family website : Lloyd@LloydAndLauren.com or you can e-mail them to me and I may include them in my 2013 scrap book: cmrowland22772@yahoo.com
What next?
***Feel free to post any question or comments below. Then check out the general information, meal information and lodging information.