Julie sent these pictures to me, so I’m assuming they are from Aunt Cleo’s 80th Birthday Party, but someone else will have to fill in the details.
Happy 95th Birthday Uncle Ted
Ted Kuegele is celebrating his 95th birthday today. Even if you missed Aunt Cleo’s announcement a few days ago, it’s not too late to send him a card. If you need an address to send your card to, it’s in the address book. Or if you’re less thoughtful than that (like I am), you can just write something sweet in the comments below. Does uncle Ted use the internet? I’m sure someone will share your thoughts with him.
Happy birthday from all of your brothers & sisters, nieces & nephews, children & grandchildren (and lets not even get started on great grand children, grand nieces, grand nephews etc).
I’m going to need a list of names for that last picture.
Photo Friday Uncle Lloyd’s Birthday Party
Lauren put together a little video of Uncle Lloyd’s 70th birthday party. If you were able to attend, tell us something about it that you liked. If you were unable to attend, make something up that you think may have possibly happened. We’ll tell you if you were right.
Invitation Friday
Remember, it’s a surprise party, so don’t tell him. Luckily, he doesn’t believe in the internet, so if you have any questions or anything you can post them here and Christina or my Mom will answer them. And although he doesn’t know about the surprise party, he has talked about having a birthday party, and I believe the following is a direct quote:
I don’t need no more crap layin’ around my house, so don’t let anybody bring a gifts. And if anybody brings a gag-gift, it’d better be some funny shit*.
You’re probably going to get one of these in the mail in the next week, unless your address is wrong on the website, then someone who lives where you used to live is going to get one, and maybe they will come instead.
*Please do not bring actual shit as a gag-gift. That sort of thing almost got us banned from the Lions Club the last time.
Photo Friday: Aunt Alma’s 100th birthday party
Aunt Alma’s 100th Birthday Party Coming Up
In a little over a month, there is a 100th birthday part for Aunt Alma. This is the first time anyone in our family has reached the century mark (as far as I know).
The celebration will be held on Saturday, March 2nd at Trinity Lutheran Church in Jefferson City in the fellowship hall. The celebration will begin at 2:00 and go until 4:00. We’re not suppose to bring gifts, but if you want to send (or bring) a card, that would be fine. Her actual birthday is March 4th.
If you’d like to send a card before, Aunt Alma’s address is:
Alma Goldammer Sommerer
Jefferson City Manor Care Center
1720 Vieth Drive.
Jefferson city, MO 65109
Trinity’d address is 803 Swifts Highway, but I’m more used to coming in from the “school side” off of Stadium Boulevard. If you come in the back like I do, drive around to the front and the fellowship hall will be on your left.
If you have any questions about the celebration, post them below and we’ll try to find the answer. If you have a question, chances are that someone else is wondering that too.