I thought this post was a little late, but this is actually a little earlier than I’ve posted it the last couple of years.
As you may recall, for the last two years we’ve had a planning post for next year’s reunion. I’ll start off with some of the things that we decided after church and then we can talk about whatever you want…
- The 4th is on a Monday in 2016, and we will have the reunion from Friday, July 1st to Monday, July 4th. I checked with Heit’s Point before church, and those dates are available. Someone should check about the days before and after for the people who like to come early and/or leave late. We are anticipating some people arriving Friday and some Saturday and some people leaving Sunday and others Monday.
- The picture will be on Saturday.
- Meals seemed to go well and we decided to leave them as is.
- We will be buying a brick for Aunt Alma and will continue to do so for our Aunts and Uncles. If anyone else wants to purchase a brick for anyone else, Rachel will help facilitate that. Debbie is heading the group that is deciding what we want to do for cousins. If you want to be a part of that group, contact Debbie.
- Last year we had $5 more donated than we spent. This year we had $450 more donated than we spent. This is not entirely accurate, because some people buy things for the reunion and do not wish to be reimbursed. We have $950 in the sock that I am using as a bank, and will be buying Aunt Alma’s brick from that amount.
- We donated $550 to Heit’s Point directly (mostly through the church offering) and also donated $500 that will be used to pay for the new refrigerator that you saw (plus buying shelves for it) and for a new stove for the Pavilion (or repairing the current one). The current one only has two burners that work.
- Letting the oldest members of the family reserve rooms in the Spitz Center first seemed to work well. At least no one said anything bad about it, so we will do that again next year.
- Finally, I just want to remind everyone again that I like putting announcements on the website, but you have to tell me what to put up. Just because you put something on Facebook doesn’t mean that I will see it.
I think that’s everything that we decided. Below are just some general thoughts of mine. feel free to comment on any of these or add your own…
- We will have more meals again next year and will need to know who will be at Heit’s Point for what days to figure out how much to buy.
- As Uncle Mahlon pointed out, we might have had too many, um, eating opportunities on Saturday. We should probably plan that a little better.
- Will the Aunts and Uncles be having their Mandatory Drug Testing and Psych Evaluation next year? Will that be just on Saturday or Saturday and Sunday? I think Kathy has been in charge of that for the last two years. Is that her thing now?
- We will be having two Lunches (formerly at the docks and now at the pavilion). Do we bring twice as much of what Becky and Debbie said to bring or something else?
- Is there any other information about the reunion that you would like to have on the website?
- Did having the list of jobs to do on a poster help, or was it the same people doing the same jobs?
- We should have more time next year to do some of the things that we didn’t really do this year.
- Lauren thinks that there should be a Dish PreRinsing Station outside the kitchen, to help with dish washing. I’ll have her get right on it.
- I think we need another table for books/cards/addresses… next year. It seemed uncomfortably crowded this year.
- Maybe we could make some of the posters before we come next year.
- It seems like we’ve finally gotten our act together with the photos. Remember when that used to take 3 times as long?
- Whatever number of books I had made for the reunion was about right. I had one left. Anyone want it?
That’s all I can think of right now. Add your own below or comment on these…
Kathy Meisinger says
Ooh, will jump right in here : ) . Scrolling down to #3 on your list. Due to our family expectations of having a really busy spring/early summer in 2016, I will gladly hand off the Elders Saturday luncheon preparations (Mandatory Drug Testing and Psych Evaluation) at the Spitz Center. Its not that hard. Its just a matter of finding out if any family members want to host the whole thing or pay per person. One person volunteers to be co-ordinator for reservations and payment and decides on a specific menu. The menu info is readily available on their web site. Heits Point requires a 10% deposit, 2-3 weeks before. I’ve worked with Cindy Carter, at Heits for the last two years and she’s been very helpful. I’ve started about 6 weeks ahead of the date desired, so as not to be in a rush at the last minute.
One hint, in looking for possible luncheon hosts: Its a neat thing to do if you are celebrating a significant birthday or anniversary during the year, but it doesn’t have to be. Its more for a small group setting, 12 to 24, but could be more. Aunt Marjorie and Uncle Vernon weren’t celebrating special birthdays the year they hosted. Some years everyone paid their own way and it was mainly for the elders of the family to be able to dine inside during the heat of the day, on that reunion Saturday. This year we added Aunt Marjorie’s 90th birthday reception at the end of Uncle Vernon’s luncheon, since it just worked better that way.
Kathy Meisinger says
Also I’d like to thank all my cousins and kids that came to my rescue in the cake and ice cream serving department, or we would still be there waiting for me to cut all that cake. Wow, you all impressed me in the “help me please ! ” department, and I didn’t even have to ask.
You know who you are : )
Naomi Vetter says
Next year I plan to buy a different color shirt for the Vetter Clan. The reason we used the pale blue is that it had our Vetter cruise (the name Vetter) on it and I thought that would differentiate it enough from the Howard Clan, and my kids/grandkids are outgrowing theirs, so we will find a color not yet chosen for next year.
Regarding the drug testing, I vote for everyone paying for their own, as none of us are destitute or else just taking lunch with the rest of the bunch in the Pavilion. It is nice for us oldsters to get together in the air conditioning to visit and dine, however.
I would like to buy that one book that is left over. I already have one, but if no one else wants to buy the left over book, I would like to because it has the memorial book jacket to Vince.
To everyone who does all the work, thank you…but let us oldsters know how we can help when we are just “sittin” around. You all are just all so fantastic!
Lloyd Jr. says
I”ll save the last book for you. If you’re in a hurry to get it, I can mail it to you, but if you’re not in a hurry, I’ll send it your way the next time someone is headed your direction.
Aunt Lolly says
It was a wonderful 4th of July weekend. We were so blessed to have so many of the family there. I love seeing all the beautiful children running around. and getting to know them, and the newly married, and all the girl friends and boy friends, and new babies!! What blessings!!!
The dinner’s at the Spitz Center are very much appreciated, and fun, but I would rather have lunch with all the rest of the family at the pavillion. that way I get to see more of our family. I just like to look at them and marvel at how blessed I am. It would be no big deal for me to bring a pound or two of sandwich fixings. Thank you to all of you who made this reunion possible. We love you.
debbie says
We would really love to have the aunts and uncles eat dinner/lunch at the dock with the rest of us. There is no reason to bring more of the sandwich supplies than we have on our lists. Becky and I will review it prior to final notices.
I would personally fan you if u get to hot during your lunch.
At some point on this glorious weekend we are going to celebrate Glen and Becky 40th. Wedding anniversary. Randee.has some ideas and we will let u know when these are finalized.
debbie says
Oops I mean the dock celebration we do at the Pavillion. This is awesome and much easier on Becky and I.
So will having that great refrigerator in the pavilion.