We were very poor while at Selma’s. It it hadn’t been for Elizabeth and Justin bringing groceries out for us, we would have been in bad shape. Bud sent money for Margie and I to buy school clothes. I wore Daddy’s wedding pants to Walther League meetings at Honey Creek. Ha! I was always a big boy with big feet, so Bud and Felix always kept me in good shoes (army shoes) they got from the CCC camps.
The Ford truck that we used for about five years didn’t have much power when we went from Schubert to visit the Honey Creek folks. We put two farm wagon seats in the back of the truck and we would ride back there. When we got to the Honey Creek hill, the truck could not make it up, so we all had to get out and push…when it would stop or stall, we had to block the wheel so it wouldn’t roll back down the hill. I finished up the 8th grade at Honey Creek.
Naomi Vetter says
It seems to me that we had trouble getting up that hill a few times with the car (I don’t know what kind it was) when I was small. I was always scared to death of that hill. I can just imagine how scared you kids were when this happened in the truck. It just seems like a terribly dangerous thing to push a truck up that hill.
Aunt Lolly says
I can only remember pushing the buick up Madison street hill down from Capitol region hospital. It was very embarrassing.