A message from Pete:
I was going to do a raffle at Heit’s Point this year for the EXCLUSIVE
right to be the very first one to use Dad’s (Mahlon’s) re-furbished
outhouse. As you can see from the pictures, this is no ORDINARY outhouse. It has a walnut seat and cedar lined backing from lumber that I cut myself and had milled.
Of all of our aunts and uncles and older cousins, I have NEVER heard
anyone say that he/she was the very first to use a new outhouse! NOW is
your opportunity.
Whoever individually, or whatever group of family comes up with
the $325 to put us to the $10,000 mark for Heit’s Point will win that exclusive right to be the first to use this outhouse.
That will be the good news. The bad news is that I am unable and MOSTLY
unwilling to bring the outhouse to you! Sorry.