Postcard from Debbie
Postcard from Debbie, 1979
Getting closer
You know that it’s getting closer to the family reunion when you get your letter from Debbie and Becky. My letter came over the weekend, and I’m not going to tell you what they have me bringing, but it’s not a cooler of soda as they have had me bring for the last few years.
This is nice, because it’s awkward to bring three coolers 350 miles in a Honda Civic. Sure, we could take the truck, but that would cost twice as much in gas and then we wouldn’t have enough money to put the red and yellow peppers in Lloyd’s World Famous Pasta Salad.
So thanks to whoever is bringing coolers of soda this year. I hope you live closer to Heit’s Point than we do, and I hope you remember to bring some A&W Cream Soda along for me. Oh, and as long as I’m thanking people, thanks to Debbie and Becky too.