Below is the information about meals for the 2019 Sommerer Family Reunion. If you are looking for the rest of the information on the reunion, You can click here.
General Meal Note:
Remember that for the potlucks you should bring enough food for everyone who comes to the reunion with you. We ran out of meat five years ago because we had many people show up to the Saturday night meal who did not tell anyone they would be there. To keep that from happening again, we are asking for the number of people coming with you when you give Christina your reservation information. Even if you’re not staying the night, remember that we still need to know how many people are coming for meals. This should include any friends you or your children wish to bring. If you need to add to this number at a later date, be sure you let Christina know before June 10th so the wonderful people who actually purchase the food are able to get enough for everyone. If you need to make changes after June 10th, you will need to contact each of these people: Jim or Sheri Sommerer, Shawn Baker, Courtney Knipp and Whitni Upton.
Breakfast (at The Pavilion)
- Friday, July 4: On your own
- Saturday, July 5: On your own <—this is new
- Sunday, July 6 at 8:00: We don’t know what the 2nd gen cousins want to do for this yet. – breakfast prep will begin at 6:30 am.
Cooking 6:30am on Sunday, please come help!
Lunch (at The Pavilion)
We decided after church last year that we liked just having two meals, but wanted to try lunch and supper instead of breakfast and supper. We will plan on lunch and supper both being quite a bit earlier. This is an experiment. Maybe we will like it and maybe not. Of course, feel free to bring whatever you would like for your immediate family to eat for breakfast on Saturday.
- Friday, July 4: On your own
- Saturday, July 5 at 11:00am: Check here for what you should bring.
- Sunday, July 6: On your own
Supper (at The Pavilion)
Note the time change for supper on Saturday!
- Friday, July 4: 6:30pm Potluck (bring main dish and sides)
- Saturday, July 5: 5:00pm Potluck (meat provided, bring sides/desserts) <– new and potentially more realistic time
- Sunday, July 6: On your own
Feel free to post any question or comments below. The rest of the reunion information is available here (or from the Get Togethers menu at the top or the Reunion 2019! menu on the right)
Pete Sommerer says
There will be 9 adults and 2 children joining us on Friday thru sun. They will be staying 2 nights. Thats all i got for now….sorry