I asked my dad, Uncle Lloyd, if this wheelchair was from the smoke-house. He said, “Yes, but only for the last 50 years. That was the wheelchair that I used when I stepped on the rake. After that it was upstairs at grandma’s house. When I was older it was the closest thing that we had to a toy. We used to push each other around on it. The back tire was coming apart and someone, maybe Uncle Mahlon, wrapped the wheel in string then in tape.”
Naomi Vetter says
I am so glad to be able to see this wheelchair again. Thanks for posting these pictures, Lloyd and Lloyd, Jr. This is the one I was pushing Billy around in when he tumbled out. It would be quite a job to restore it, if that is even possible at all. I’m copying these to my picture folder.
cleopha Howard says
The thing that came to my mind was: Mahlon could have made us some wonderful things out of those wheels and that old chair. I guess you all had fun with it anyway without being made over. Do you all remember those wheels that Mahlon made thing with. Where did they come from?
Mahlon says
One of our favorite pastimes when we lived at Schubert’s was to visit “Jackie’s Junk”. The dump from Jeff City folks. We found parts of bikes, trikes, and wagons. I’d take off parts and put on others and we’d have a toy to play with. This was in the late 30’s. We moved to Honey Creek next.
When Uncle Herbert came home after his stroke he’d use this wheel chair since he couldn’t walk. The wheel chair came from Uncle Herbert. He stayed with us for awhile and he left again. He went to Aunt Dora’s and that’s where he spent the rest of his life. He was paralyzed on his right side.
Jane says
Sis told us some old veteran in her church died. She got the wheelchair from the veteran and brought it up here for Uncle Herbert. Uncle Herbert was her sponsor.
Jane says
Lloyd says he thinks the old fiddle was Uncle Herbert’s. He doesn’t know if Sis got it or not.