Can someone tell me exactly What the note under the picture says. I hope it didn’t say mother inherit 15,000. dollars and they bought a horse. That half dead old horse.
Naomi Sommerer
Kenny Williams
More horse-like
On “Old Burt” (1930-1946)
A good old mule, purchased w/ “Mom” Theresa’s inheritance of $15.00?
Used to pull molasses mill, wagons, move from Schuberts to Honey Creek.
More full of personality than his “mate” Very intuitive animal
Died when Vernon in Sorice????
The last line must be “Died when Vernon in Service” I wonder who/what the “mate” is. Was there another mule or horse? Is the writer referring to Vernon? I’d like to know…..Maybe that word isn’t “mate”…ahh mysteries!
Thanks, Mahlon. I never knew Tuck. He must have died before I knew stuff. I remember Bert, though. Do you have any idea who may have written this info on the photo? It doesn’t look like Mom’s handwriting, and doesn’t sound like Elizabeth.
Thanks everyone for you info. This is also confusing me. The names of Naomi and Kenny are in Florence Sommerer’s handwriting. Who had these pictures early on who would have written this note. I am thinking of Lillian. Does anyone have some of Lillians handwriting that it can be compared to.
Persimmons the subject: Today I picked up persimmons and I thought of Mahlon. Why?? When I was little, Mahlon showed me how to cut open a persimmon seed and inside find a spoon or fork. I would love to see that done, and a photo of the inside. Don’t anyone try it except Mahlon. It’s tricky and you could slice off your finger!
As I set here at my computer, I can look out the window, there are several persommon trees, right by the garage door. The squirrels climb up the trees, run down each branch and smell each persimmon they come too. If they find one that suits them, they pluck it off the branch, carry it too a safer location on the tree. and set there and eat the persimmon. It takes them a long time to eat one little persimmon, then when they got what they want from it, they drop the rest of it and go get another one. I am thinking they must eat only the seeds. They are so cute,scurring around smelling each persimmon, and only taking certin ones. Several years ago, when I was out hanging up clothes, I picked up a persimmon and took the seeds out, tried to cut it open to see if there was a spoon or fork in it. It was the hardest thing I ever did. I don’t think I ever got one sliced open just right to find anything in it. You are right about it being a dangerous job!!
Look what I found posted on the Internet. This was posted in 2011, but I wonder what’s inside the seen now. I have to slice a seed open. I hope it’s a spoon. I love the snow!
This picture was sent in recently from French Lick Resort Chef Robbie Bellew. It’s a sliced open Persimmon Seed showing a spoon inside. So, what does that mean?
According to The Farmer’s Almanac, a seed with a spoon means we’ll be shoveling lots of snow.
If a knife shows up inside the persimmon, then a very cold, icy winter is on the way.
Conversly, if a fork appears, then a mild winter is expected.
The “spoon” seed was recently found in Medora, Indiana… get your snow shovels and plows ready!
What happened to the comment I made this morning
Can someone tell me exactly What the note under the picture says. I hope it didn’t say mother inherit 15,000. dollars and they bought a horse. That half dead old horse.
Naomi Sommerer
Kenny Williams
More horse-like
On “Old Burt” (1930-1946)
A good old mule, purchased w/ “Mom” Theresa’s inheritance of $15.00?
Used to pull molasses mill, wagons, move from Schuberts to Honey Creek.
More full of personality than his “mate” Very intuitive animal
Died when Vernon in Sorice????
Wish I knew who wrote this. Anyone know?
Maybe that last line was, died when Vernon in service? That sounds right.
Simon looks just like Kenny looked at that age! So cute.
The last line must be “Died when Vernon in Service” I wonder who/what the “mate” is. Was there another mule or horse? Is the writer referring to Vernon? I’d like to know…..Maybe that word isn’t “mate”…ahh mysteries!
Maybe it was Sally or Black Beauty. I remember them!
Was there a horse named Bertie
Burt died in the back horse stable and I had to use a block and tackle to pull him out where I could hook horses on him and pull him out the door.
His “mate” was Tuck. He was always real skinny looking. I only remember him at Honey Creek not where we lived last.
I worked Burt when I was six or seven. I got a wagon of manure stuck in the ditch and it caused lots of cussin….
Tuck was red colored bay mule and Burt was black. Tuck was bigger but real skinny.
Thanks, Mahlon. I never knew Tuck. He must have died before I knew stuff. I remember Bert, though. Do you have any idea who may have written this info on the photo? It doesn’t look like Mom’s handwriting, and doesn’t sound like Elizabeth.
Thanks everyone for you info. This is also confusing me. The names of Naomi and Kenny are in Florence Sommerer’s handwriting. Who had these pictures early on who would have written this note. I am thinking of Lillian. Does anyone have some of Lillians handwriting that it can be compared to.
Persimmons the subject: Today I picked up persimmons and I thought of Mahlon. Why?? When I was little, Mahlon showed me how to cut open a persimmon seed and inside find a spoon or fork. I would love to see that done, and a photo of the inside. Don’t anyone try it except Mahlon. It’s tricky and you could slice off your finger!
As I set here at my computer, I can look out the window, there are several persommon trees, right by the garage door. The squirrels climb up the trees, run down each branch and smell each persimmon they come too. If they find one that suits them, they pluck it off the branch, carry it too a safer location on the tree. and set there and eat the persimmon. It takes them a long time to eat one little persimmon, then when they got what they want from it, they drop the rest of it and go get another one. I am thinking they must eat only the seeds. They are so cute,scurring around smelling each persimmon, and only taking certin ones. Several years ago, when I was out hanging up clothes, I picked up a persimmon and took the seeds out, tried to cut it open to see if there was a spoon or fork in it. It was the hardest thing I ever did. I don’t think I ever got one sliced open just right to find anything in it. You are right about it being a dangerous job!!
Look what I found posted on the Internet. This was posted in 2011, but I wonder what’s inside the seen now. I have to slice a seed open. I hope it’s a spoon. I love the snow!
This picture was sent in recently from French Lick Resort Chef Robbie Bellew. It’s a sliced open Persimmon Seed showing a spoon inside. So, what does that mean?
According to The Farmer’s Almanac, a seed with a spoon means we’ll be shoveling lots of snow.
If a knife shows up inside the persimmon, then a very cold, icy winter is on the way.
Conversly, if a fork appears, then a mild winter is expected.
The “spoon” seed was recently found in Medora, Indiana… get your snow shovels and plows ready!
I’m going to gather up some persimmon seeds,and when we get together for our next sisters gathering, we can try to open them!! Wonder what we’ll find.